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Earth Plot is an application for tracking objects in Earth orbit.

It is coded in C++ and uses the following libraries:


Attention Mac Users

Earth Plot is not a signed app. You can only run Earth Plot if your Mac allows running apps that are not from the Mac App Store.

Your Mac may report "Earth Plot is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the the trash." This is not true and just another game Apple plays to get users to only trust their app store. You can remove Earth Plot from Apple Purgatory with the following command executed from a Terminal window:

xattr -d com.apple.quarantine "/path/to/Earth Plot.app"

Be sure you replace /path/to/ with the correct path to Earth Plot on your computer.

Earth Plot requires the SDL2 Framework, version 2.24.1 or later, to be in one of the Frameworks folders:

The download for Mac does not include the SDL2 Framework. If you do not already have it in a Frameworks folder then you can download it from the SDL Releases page on GitHub.

Earth Plot has been tested on the following versions of Mac OS: