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Atari ST Computer

Monitor Port

1Audio Out
Comes from the amplifier connected to the output of the sound chip. A high-impedance earphone can be attache here if you do not use the original monitor.
2Not used
3General Purpose Output
Available for your use. The line has TTL levels and comes from I/O port A bit 6 of the sound chip.
4Monochrome Detect
If this line, which leads to the 17 input of the MFP 68901, is low, the computer enters the high-resolution monochrome mode. If the state of the line changes during operation, a cold start is generated.
5Audio In
Leads to the input of the amplifier described in 1 and is there mixed with the output of the sound chip.
Analog green output of the video shifter.
Analog red output of the video shifter.
9Horizontal Sync
Responsible for the horizontal beam return of the monitor.
Analog blue output of the video shifter.
Provides a monochrome monitor with the intensity signal.
12Vertical Sync
Takes care of the beam return at the end of the screen.