The Fastest, High Level Language Available for the Atari®:
A versatile, structured language that runs at almost assembly language speed (100 + times faster than BASIC).
Best Structured Language:
Incorporates features found in PASCAL, C, ALGOL, and ADA, yet has many of the same commands familiar to Atari BASIC programmers.
Has Everything You Need:
THE EDITOR: Many advanced features for easily creating and
modifying source text...two separate program windows, each
allowing up to 249 characters per horizontal and vertical
scrolling...move and copy text...string find and replace...and
much more!
THE MONITOR: Selects compilation options, saves compiled
programs, examines variable values and memory locations...and
even traces the execution of your programs.
THE COMPILER: Super fast compilation into machine code,
accepting source from the Editor or from tape or disk.
THE LIBRARY: A built in collection of useful subroutines for you
to use in your programs including: string manipulation...print
procedures and formatting...I/O routines...and, graphics and
game controller routines.